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Unparalleled Client Services

As an entrepreneur or small business owner, did you know you have a unique opportunity to build, maintain and acquire credit both individually and as a business owner?  That's good news if you're trying to build and grow a company because you won't have to rely solely on your personal credit.  

It is estimated that over 90% of the business population knows nothing about business credit.  As a result, many entrepreneurs and business owners use their personal credit for business purposes at great consequence.  Over 50% of businesses today fail, and with most of those businesses the business owner used their own money for their business debt, costing them their family's savings and personal assets.  Merit's coaching is designed to provide you with a step-by-step process of understanding how to build credit and obtain funding for any business.  You will be learning first to understand the business credit system itself, then to know what lenders are looking for in order to approve a business for credit and funding, and finally, you will learn where to go to secure funding for your business and know about the types of funding available today.

 SBA states that business credit limits are typically 10-100 times higher than consumer credit approvals. So another benefit of business credit is the business can obtain A LOT more money in approvals... even when you can't get money at your bank.

And, business credit can be built quickly, much faster than consumer credit. It takes 6 months for an initial consumer credit score to even be established.

With business credit it is very practical for a business to qualify for credit within 90 days or less, then build that credit to a point where the business is getting $10,000 credit card approvals within 6 months or less.

Business credit is one of the strongest assets any business can have.

 Investing in "A bad idea with money behind it will typically be more successful than a GREAT idea with no money behind it" This is the unfortunate truth. BE PRIMED TO TAKE ADVANTAGE OF EVERY WORTHWHILE OPPORTUNITY THAT COMES YOUR WAY!

Let's set up a 30-minute conversation to determine which business credit strategies are right for you and your unique business situation.

Obtain a free business credit assessment by calling (866) 341-1323 

Learn more about our strategies and choose the strategy that's perfect for you.

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